
Blooming star 2022

                      ★ A mega cultural fest was conducted by our college on the tittle of "Blooming Star 2022".                      ★ Various colleges participated in mega cultural fest  "Blooming Star 2022"                      ★ From other B.Ed college students were participated in various events.                     ★ The events are,                             ✿ Group song                             ✿ Group dance                             ✿ Cooking without fire                             ✿ Rangoli                            ✿ Mehandi competition                             ✿ Art from waste                             ✿ Fashion show                             ✿ Hair style competition                             ✿ Drawing competition 

Teacher Quality and Quality Teaching

                     ★ State level Seminar on  "Teacher  Quality and Quality Teaching " was conducted by our college on 21 April 2022.                     ★ I participated in the seminar and got participation certificate. 

16th college day celebration

                   ★ 16th college day celebration was celebrated on 20 April 2022.                    ★ At the same day, we had our camp programme from 20 April 2022 to 22 April 2022.                    ★ The college day programmes are,                                    ✿ Prayer song                            ✿ Solo dance                            ✿ Group song                            ✿ Group dance                            ✿ Solo song                            ✿ Drama                            ✿ Mime                     ★ I participated in Drama. 

Sports day

                   ★ Sports day was conducted in our college on 13th April 2022.                    ★ The following competitions were conducted in our college.                     ★ The events are,                           ✿ Running                           ✿ Disc Throw                          ✿ Shot put                          ✿ Javaline Throw                          ✿ Kho-Kho competition.                    ★ I participated in shot put and Disc Throw.

Fine arts Day

                 ★ The fine arts day was  conducted in our college.                   ★ Several events are conducted in our college.                   ★ The events are,                         ✿ Drawing competition                          ✿ Vegetable carving                         ✿ Clay  Making                          ✿ Cooking without fire                         ✿ Soap carving                          ✿ Working Model making                   ★  I participated cooking without fire competition.    

Cultural Day

                 ★ Cultural day was held on 11 April 2022 by our college.                   ★ Cultural day was conducted by our college.                  ★ Several events are conducted by our college.                   ★ The events are                            ✿ Solo dance                             ✿ group dance                             ✿  Solo song                            ✿ group song                             ✿ Fancy dress competition                            ✿ Hand writing                             ✿ Essay                            ✿ Elacution                            ✿ Mime                            ✿ Fashion show                      ★ It participated group song, Hand writing, Essay writing and Mime.

Citizenship training camp

                   ★ Citizenship training camp was conducted in our college on 18th April, 2022.                    ★ The camp theme was 'Time for Nature'                     ★ In Citizenship training camp in our college students do lots of social works. They are                          ✿ Planting saplings.                          ✿ Plastic awareness programme.                          ✿ Environmental Recycle programme.                          ✿ Covid-19 Awareness programme.                          ✿ Campus cleaning                           ✿ Save water.                     ★ I participated in the camp programme.